We are currently accepting application forms for the 2024-2025 school year. Please fill out ALL necessary fields of this form. If you have any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with us, please contact us.

RETURNING CHILDREN: only need to fill out student profile, sign on bottom & payment info (Please update any important information that changed).

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth.

Student Profile

 Tuesdays 4:30 PM - 6 PM

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
Student's Full Name
Student's Full Name
Student's Full Name
Hebrew Name
Hebrew Name
Hebrew Name
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
School Attending
School Attending
School Attending
Entering Grade
Entering Grade
Entering Grade
Hebrew Reading Proficiency
None Somewhat Well
Hebrew Reading Proficiency
None Somewhat Well
Hebrew Reading Proficiency
None Somewhat Well
Previous Jewish Education
Yes No
Previous Jewish Education
Yes No
Previous Jewish Education
Yes No

 Was the child's biological mother born Jewish? 

Were both grandmothers born Jewish?    

Were there any conversions or adoptions in the family?

If Yes please describe:
Parent Information


Home Phone

Father's Name

Father's Cel
Father's Email Address
Mother's Name
Mother's Cel
Mother's Email



Are parents Married ?  Divorced?   Other/explain 

Emergency Information
Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2



CONFIDENTIAL: Does your child receive additional resources in school ? (Ie. ADD / ADHD).

Does your child have allergies or other medical condition we should be aware of?

Please describe above and indicate special precautions or care needed.

Payment Information
Hebrew School, $1,500 annual tuition  


1 child - $1,500  includes book fee & supplies  + $250 for  Pizza or Pasta / Veggies & fruit  

 $1,750  (1 Child)     (2 children)   $3,450 

$250 is non refundable registration fee (will be included in tuition) 

  Pay by Credit Card
Credit Card Number
Billing Address
Expiration Date
  or Pay by Electronic Check
Account type
Account number
Routing number
Name on account

As the parent(s) or legal guardian of the above child, I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities, join in class and school trips on and beyond school properties and allow my child to be photographed while participating in Chabad Hebrew School activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes.

I Accept

Name: Initials:

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth!